8 minimalist travel packing tips

As previously promised on my, ‘How to travel on a Budget’ article, I am here to help you all to decipher the code of packing light which could ultimately terminate a tremendous amount of stress involved when it comes to planning your next getaway. Throughout my time travelling and countless hours of packing for each trip, I have managed to come up with some tips and tricks which will hopefully help a lot of worried travellers in their future adventures.

1. Wear your heaviest items when boarding.
Possibly the most obvious but by far the most helpful advice I know is to wear as much of the clothing as you can when you fly out to your destination. Don’t worry about looking frumpy because as soon as you arrive, you can change and make yourself look glamorous for the day ahead.

2. Roll up your clothes instead of folding them.
Once I discovered this trick, my life changed! Now my clothes were neater, and saved up a ton of room in my carry-on! I could pack more for less!

3. Plan your outfits.
Whether it’s for a week, two weeks or a weekend, make sure to plan which outfits you will wear on which day. It will save you a lot of hassle of packing excessive amounts of clothing which you will hardly not wear! I always check the forecast and decide on that account, what items of clothing would be best for me to take with me.

4. Be creative and mix and match your clothing.
Of course, you can wear the same pieces of clothing, but if you want to look good, especially in photos, simply mix and match pieces of your wardrobe so that you have an entirely different outfit each day! That way you make the most of your clothes.

5. Invest in small clear bottles.
Majority of the airlines accept liquids of no more than 100ml in a clear bag, therefore instead of spending money on separate face wash, sunscreen, toothpaste etc. place them into a smaller bottle. That way you get to use the same products as you would at home and saves you some cash that you could use on your holiday instead!

6. You only need one pair of shoes.
Aside from the ones you wear to get to the airport, you only really need one pair of extra shoes. Make sure they’re stylish and comfortable for you so that you can dance, walk and have fun while in the sun, or snow, whichever you prefer. I would make flip flops and exception to this rule merely because they are so light and can easily fit alongside your heavier pair of shoes.

7. Invest in small technology.
If you’re an avid photographer or adventure seeker who wants to remember every single moment of your adventure, then I would suggest in investing in a go pro or even a phone with a good camera. Also, a waterproof case if you’re heading to the sea.

8. To all my avid readers, read from a screen.
I know many prefer to the ability to change pages with the grasp of your fingers, instead of virtually, personally I love the smell of the pages of a good book. However, for the sake of saving space when packing, buying books or even audiobooks, on your phone is an honest life saver and a perfect time killer, for all those delayed flights and long journeys.

Learning to pack light will be a huge weight off your shoulder, literally, allowing you to enjoy your vacation rather than worrying about your belongings. It could also save you money, as some airlines do charge an extra sum of money for luggage, and also time because you won’t have to worry about searching for your suitcase on the conveyor belt.

I wish all my readers to have a happy holiday and great adventure, wherever your next destination will be! Happy travels!

10 thoughts on “8 minimalist travel packing tips

  1. anastasiagregory August 21, 2017 — 7:57 pm

    Loved this! I’m always traveling and am the worse packer, super helpful 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you found my tips helpful! Thank you for taking the time to read my article and I hope you incorporate some of these tips on your next adventure 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Rolling the clothes is something that has saved me tremendously these past few years, especially since I somehow always end up packing too much (even when I am trying!). You give some great advice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know I’m replying super late, this comment flew past me cannot believe I missed it! But thank you so much for your support and I’m glad you found my tips useful! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good read! also one tip is to distinguish the most important and essential things you can bring. Like a roadeavour soap sheet. In case of emergency right? you never know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! Never forget to bring any essential with you!


    1. Thank you so much! Glad you found them useful 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved this! I”m always working to be more minimalist in every area of life 🙂 As an avid reader, it took me a while to come around to the Kindle thing, but it’s helped me travel so much lighter with a huge library of books to choose from! I roll my clothes too, and have recently discovered the delight that is packing cubes! They compress and organise my clothes and other luggage so nicely; I don’t know how I ever managed without them 🙂 E.g.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading the article! Every day I try to use less and buy less. I only have space for things that serve me purpose now. I’m an avid reader too and do love to have a book in my hands but they just use up so much space! So when I travel now I just have books on my iPhone that I read. Phones can be really handy when travelling, you have so much on just one device!

      Liked by 1 person

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